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Smart Lab Toys Tiny Ice Cream!



Learn all about the science behind sugar, the history of ice cream, and famous ice cream moments. Create Instagram-worthy miniature treats using tiny versions of real ice-cream-making tool! Including a full-colour instruction manual to make 10 flavours of ice cream, tiny ice cream waffle cones, tiny ice cream sandwiches, tiny sundaes, and more!

Your Tiny Ice Cream kit comes with: Tiny ice cream canister, DasherLid with crank, Tiny silicone waffle cone moulds, Tiny waffle cone & bowl shaper, Tiny ice cream scoop, Tiny spatula, Tiny ice cream bowls, Cone holder, Tiny mixing bowl, Tiny mixing spoon, Ice Cream Cone Holder, Wee-spoons, Paper Component, Ice Cream Truck.

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