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How to Clean and Protect Your Mattress

Your mattress isn't just for sleeping; it's where you relax and recharge. But without proper care, it can collect dust, allergens, and odours.

In this blog, we'll explain why it's important to look after your mattress and give you easy tips for keeping it fresh and comfy. From understanding why a clean mattress matters to learning simple cleaning tricks and checking out our mattress protectors, we've got you covered.

If you're ready to make sure your bed stays clean and cosy for years to come, let's get started.

Why it’s important to clean and protect your mattress

Maintaining a clean and protected mattress is essential for creating a healthy and comfortable sleep environment. Regular cleaning helps remove dust, allergens, and stains that can accumulate over time, improving indoor air quality and reducing the risk of allergies and respiratory issues.

Additionally, protecting your mattress with a quality mattress protector can extend its lifespan by preventing spills, stains, and damage. By prioritising mattress cleanliness and protection, you can ensure a restful night's sleep and prolong the durability and comfort of your bedding investment.

How to clean your mattress

Keeping your mattress clean is essential for a healthy and comfortable sleep environment. Over time, mattresses can accumulate dust, allergens, and stains, impacting both your sleep quality and overall well-being.

In this section, we'll explore simple yet effective methods for cleaning your mattress, ensuring it remains fresh and inviting for a restful night's sleep. Let's dive in and discover how to keep your mattress clean and hygienic.


Maintaining a clean mattress is essential for a healthy sleep environment. Over time, dust, allergens, and stains can accumulate, impacting both the longevity of your mattress and the quality of your sleep. Here's a simple yet effective method for cleaning your mattress:

Start by removing all bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, and blankets, to expose the entire surface of the mattress. Use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment to thoroughly vacuum the surface of the mattress. Pay special attention to seams, crevices, and edges where dust and debris tend to accumulate.

Treat any stains or spills on the mattress promptly. Use a mild detergent or upholstery cleaner and a clean cloth to gently blot the affected area. Avoid using excessive moisture, as it can promote mould and mildew growth. Sprinkle baking soda evenly over the surface of the mattress to help neutralise odours.

Let it sit for several hours, preferably overnight, then vacuum it off thoroughly. If possible, move your mattress outside on a sunny day to expose it to sunlight. Sunlight has natural disinfecting properties that can help kill bacteria and eliminate odours. Rotate your mattress regularly to promote even wear and tear. Some mattresses may also benefit from flipping to maintain their shape and support.

Spot cleaning

Spot cleaning is a crucial technique for addressing specific stains or spills on your mattress promptly. Here's how to effectively tackle stains without compromising the integrity of your mattress:

Begin by blotting the stained area with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb as much liquid as possible. Avoid rubbing the stain, as this can spread it further and damage the fabric.

Mix a small amount of mild detergent or upholstery cleaner with water, following the manufacturer's instructions. Test the solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the mattress to ensure it doesn't cause any discoloration or damage.

Dip a clean cloth or sponge into the cleaning solution and gently dab the stained area, working from the outside in to prevent the stain from spreading. Be careful not to saturate the mattress with too much moisture.

Continue dabbing the stain until it begins to lift. You may need to repeat this process several times for stubborn stains.

Once the stain is removed, blot the area with a clean, damp cloth to rinse away any remaining cleaning solution.

Allow the mattress to air dry completely before replacing the bedding. You can speed up the drying process by using a fan or opening windows to promote air circulation.

Spot cleaning is an effective way to address stains promptly and maintain the cleanliness and appearance of your mattress. By following these simple steps, you can keep your mattress looking and feeling fresh for years to come.


Deodorising your mattress is a crucial step in maintaining a fresh and inviting sleep environment. Using baking soda, a natural deodorizer, helps absorb and neutralise odours effectively.

Simply sprinkle baking soda evenly over the surface of your mattress, allow it to sit for several hours or overnight, and then vacuum it thoroughly to remove the baking soda along with any trapped odours.

By incorporating this simple yet effective deodorising method into your mattress maintenance routine, you can ensure a clean and odour-free sleep surface for a more restful night's sleep.

Steam cleaning

Steam cleaning is a highly effective method for deep-cleaning and sanitising your mattress without the use of harsh chemicals.

Begin by vacuuming the surface to remove loose debris, then fill the steam cleaner's reservoir with water and allow it to heat up.

Hold the nozzle a few inches above the mattress surface and move it steadily across, paying extra attention to stains and spots.

Avoid over-saturating the mattress and ensure it dries completely before replacing bedding. Steam cleaning helps eliminate bacteria, dust mites, and allergens, leaving your mattress sanitised and refreshed for a healthier sleep environment.

Sunlight exposure

Exposing your mattress to sunlight is a simple yet powerful method for refreshing and sanitising it naturally.

Take your mattress outside to a sunny spot and lay it flat on a clean surface, ensuring both sides are exposed to direct sunlight.

Leave it in the sun for at least four to six hours, flipping it over halfway through for even exposure.

The ultraviolet rays from the sun will help kill bacteria, mould, and mildew, while the heat aids in evaporating moisture and eliminating odours.

After sun exposure, bring the mattress back indoors and inspect it for any remaining odours or moisture. This natural method can effectively revitalise your mattress, leaving it feeling fresh and clean for a healthier sleep environment.

How to protect your mattress

Keeping your mattress in good shape isn't just about cleaning—it's also about preventing damage. In this part, we'll talk about why it's important to protect your mattress and share easy ways to do it. By using mattress protectors and taking care of your bedding, you can make sure your mattress stays clean and comfy for a long time

Mattress protectors

Mattress protectors are like shields for your bed, providing a protective barrier against spills, stains, dust mites, and allergens. These covers are typically waterproof and hypoallergenic, keeping your mattress safe from accidents and preserving its freshness. Investing in a quality mattress protector is an effective way to prolong the life of your mattress and maintain a clean sleep environment. Simply slip it over your mattress like a fitted sheet and enjoy peace of mind knowing your bed is well-protected.

Regular washing

Keeping your bedding clean is essential for maintaining a hygienic sleep environment and prolonging the life of your mattress. Washing your sheets, pillowcases, and blankets regularly helps remove dirt, oils, and allergens that can transfer to your mattress over time.

Aim to launder your bedding at least once a week, using a gentle detergent and hot water to kill bacteria and dust mites effectively. Additionally, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for washing and drying to preserve the quality and integrity of your bedding.

Bedding maintenance 

Looking after your bedding is crucial for keeping your sleep area clean and cosy. Wash your sheets, pillowcases, and blankets regularly to remove dirt, oils, and allergens that can build up over time and transfer to your mattress.

Try to wash them at least once a week using a gentle detergent and hot water to get rid of bacteria and dust mites effectively. Follow the instructions on the labels when washing and drying to keep your bedding in good condition for longer.

By taking care of your bedding, you can create a fresh and comfortable sleep environment that helps you get a good night's rest.

Rotate and flip 

Rotating and flipping your mattress regularly is an easy way to ensure even wear and prolong its lifespan. Every few months, rotate your mattress 180 degrees to distribute weight evenly across its surface.

Some mattresses may also benefit from flipping them over entirely, especially if they're double-sided. By alternating sides and positions, you can prevent sagging and indentations, maintaining the mattress's shape and support for longer-lasting comfort.

Avoid eating in bed 

While it may be tempting to snack or have a meal in bed, it's best to avoid doing so to keep your mattress clean and free from spills and crumbs. Eating in bed increases the risk of spills and stains, which can be challenging to remove and may lead to odours or attract pests.

Food crumbs can also attract dust mites and other allergens, compromising the cleanliness of your sleep environment. By refraining from eating in bed, you can help maintain a hygienic sleep space and prolong the lifespan of your mattress.

Clean and protect your mattress with Briscoes

Taking care of your mattress is important for a comfy and healthy sleep. From cleaning regularly to using protective covers, simple steps can keep your mattress fresh and last longer. By following these tips, you'll enjoy better sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

Ready to upgrade your bedding? Check out Briscoes' mattress protectors and bedding options today.


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